Tuesday, March 20, 2012

~wrapped up in LOVE

No better comparsion of God's love and comfort
than the thought of being wrapped in the
 heirlooms of our grandmothers.
Scraps stitched and held in place with the work of hands
whose love reaches beyond the threads of life.

Wrapping ourselves in God's comfort
when we can't piece together the unknowns.

Those times when we can't share with others
we can wrap our hearts in His Love and Word.

Remembering the sweetness and dedication
of those Grandmothers
who took the time and devotion to stitch each one,
is a gentle comparison to the faithfulness
of our Saviour.

Who is like you, LORD God Almighty?

You, LORD, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds.

Psalm 89:8


Recalling those past times
he wrapped and soothed when no one knew
 the hurt and the struggle.
Allowing ourselves to wrap our mind around
these rememberances, brings the peace
knowing HE will do the same for the future. 

Blankets wrap you with warmth,
quilts wrap you with love.
-author unknown

this featured collection of quilts belongs to my mother-in-law
she has them displayed on a quilt hanger in a room of her home

Friday, March 9, 2012

~leaving you with a touch of early spring

Longing for time to stand still in the days ahead...

as time is treasured with those
 we don't sit with often
we don't squeeze before daytime ends
and meals are not shared
as often as our heart desires

Enjoy your week ahead
while I am enjoying my time with family.
I hope to return and share
wonderful memories
and even a few captured through my lens.

Spring is close by~

'For behold, the winter is past,
The rain is over
and gone.
'The flowers have
already appeared in the land;
The time has arrived for pruning
the vines,
And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land.
'The fig tree has ripened its figs,
And the vines in blossom have given forth
their fragrance.
Song 2:11-13 (NASB)


Thursday, March 8, 2012

~Unexpected Inspiration

Let's hear it ~ I have finally quit pinning
and completed a project!
My Inspiration was gained from this source
on Pinterest.

Source: bhg.com via Karen on Pinterest

I love the old antique umbrella,
but I did not go on the hunt for one with a wooden handle.
The one I found for $5.84 from Dollar General
gives the same effect.

I added tulips, morning glories and hydrangeas.
Most of the items I already had on hand.

The eggs were wired and added for a touch of fun!

Just never know what unexpected welcome
you might get at our front door.

But, one thing for certain I love to make
 our guests feel welcome.

Joining the others for
Inspiration Friday.